This article will advise you on everything that Best Practice Network can support with regarding registering with the DfE for a NPQ programme. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, we recommend you contact the DfE directly for further support.
Please note, all participants must register with the DfE to receive their certificate upon completion of the programme.
I have not registered with the DfE yet
How do I register?
Please use the below link to complete your registration:
Once you have completed your registration you will not be able to edit it, therefore here are some useful tips before completing your registration:
• Ensure that you select Best Practice Network as your provider
• Please ensure you register for the correct NPQ programme you have applied for
• Have your TRN ready (if you do not know this, do not register just yet, you will need to re-register once you have your TRN anyway)
If you experience any issues on the DfE site, please email:
When should I do this?
You can register with the DfE at any time throughout your application journey with Best Practice Network. However, you will be prompted to complete if you are offered a place on programme and will not be able to move forward with your application until you have successfully registered.
Please note, if you are scholarship funded your funded space is not confirmed until this step is complete.
Do not register with the DfE if you do not know your TRN or school URN. This is essential information for us to be able to connect your DfE details with your BPN application and holds vital information regarding your eligibility for funding. Your registration will not be valid without these two bits of information.
I have already registered with the DfE
BPN are asking me to register, but I’ve completed this step already
This is likely because your TRN or school URN on your DfE application do not match the ones on your BPN application, and therefore we’re unable to identify you in the system. These details must match to be valid. Please double check your DfE registration against your BPN application answers.
If you notice there are discrepancies, either contact BPN via to update your application with, or create a new DfE registration with the correct details. You will not be able to edit an existing DfE registration and must complete a new one.
If you’re still unsure on the problem, you can contact either our NPQ support team on the above address or the DfE on
My application status is ‘Pending Funding’ – what does this mean?
You have successfully registered with the DfE with BPN as your provider, and we have connected these details with your BPN application. Great news!
The next step is for you to confirm how your programme will be funded. You would have received an auto email with details on next steps. However, here is a quick breakdown of actions depending on your funding route:
Scholarship funded:
Once we confirm that you have been allocated a scholarship funded space, you will receive a funding link to confirm your intention to use this funding. You have 5 working days to follow to link and confirm your funding. After this time, the link will expire, and this space may be allocated to another participant in your area. This is to ensure all scholarships are allocated to participant who are committed to starting the programme. You can keep an eye on your application progress here, including whether you have successfully confirmed your funding.
If you’re eligible for scholarship funding but we do not have any spaces in your area, we would have let you know via email and advised on additional funding routes for you, such as self or school funded. Alternatively, our Leader Apprenticeship with NPQs are a great way to access the Leadership NPQs at no cost to you as a learner! Find out more in this article.
Self or school funded:
We’re awaiting payment from you (self-funded) or your invoice contact (school funded). Please note, you will not be able to start the programme without an initial payment
I have registered with the DfE with another provider
You must ensure that you have registered with the correct provider. Only one provider can access your funding, and once a provider accesses your DfE details, the system will block your funding for all other providers.
If you register with the DfE more than once with more than one provider, this puts you at risk of starting your NPQ programme without funding. Providers can request with the DfE for your funding to be transferred over, however it is a long process and preferably avoided to mitigate delaying your programme start.
If you have registered with other providers and want to check if BPN has your funding secured, contact us on