Registering ECTs and Mentors
The registration process is simple. The DfE step-by-step guidance can be accessed here.
- School Induction Tutors must register their ECTs and Mentors on the DfE Online Service (BPN then collect additional details directly from the ECTs and ECMs to enable allocation to their local training group)
Not yet registered with us?
- If your school has not yet had an ECT, or is changing Lead Provider to Best Practice Network, you will be prompted with instructions for next steps within the DfE Online Service
- If your school has not yet had an ECT or is changing Lead Provider, the school will also need to register with Best Practice Network here
Things to note
- Schools already working with Best Practice Network do not need to re-register with BPN
- Schools do not need to re-register ECTs and ECMs moving into the second year of their ECF programme