The Canvas Immersive Reader is an accessibility feature that offers tools for those with visual impairments and/or those who are neurodiverse.
- Click the Immersive Reader button from the top right.
- Navigate to the three buttons in the top right corner. From here, you can change text preferences, update grammar options, and adjust reading preferences.
- To change text preferences, click the Text Preferences button. From this window, you can do the following:
- Increase text size.
- Increase the space between lines of text.
- Change the font.
- Change the background theme, including blue and yellow backgrounds.
- Here is an example of what you might see if you change your font and background:
- Increase text size.
- To change grammar options, click the Grammar Options button. From here, you can do the following:
- Put a dot between syllables.
- Highlight different parts of speech in different colours.
- Here is an example of an Immersive Reader page that has grammar options adjusted:
- Put a dot between syllables.
- To change reading preferences, click the Reading Preferences button. This will allow you to do the following:
- Focus on one, three, or five lines of text.
- Allow a picture dictionary to show an image when you select a word.
- Translate by the word or document.
- Here is an example of what you might see if you have a one-line highlight and picture dictionary on.
- Focus on one, three, or five lines of text.
- To change text preferences, click the Text Preferences button. From this window, you can do the following:
- Navigate to the bottom of the page to access the Immersive Reader's read-aloud function.
- Click the Play button to begin the audio.
- The Voice Settings button will allow you to change the speed and sound of the narrator.
- The Voice Settings button will allow you to change the speed and sound of the narrator.
- Click the Play button to begin the audio.
For those pages where the Canvas Immersive Reader is unavailable, access the Microsoft Edge immersive reader function by highlighting the text, right-clicking, and selecting Immersive Reader.
For more accessibility information, please see ‘My Computer, My way’ from AbilityNet.