We have several ways in which we can support a participant with an audio impairment.
Captions –
Youtube recordings on Canvas
- The bottom right of the Youtube video, there are some icons. If you click on the “cc”, this will bring up the captions for the video. Please see the screenshot below.
Zoom meetings
- Find the Microphone tab and click the small arrow and click “Audio Settings”
- This will bring up the Settings for your Zoom meeting.
- At the bottom, you will find the “Accessibility” tab, this will allow you add in the captions and change then to your needs
Teams meetings
- Click on the 3 dots next to your icon and click “Settings”
- Find the “Accessiblilty” tab and you can turn on the captions
Immersive Reader -
- This is a tool in Canvas designed to make it easier to read text.
- You will just need to click on the "Immersive Reader" button on the top right corner.
- This will open the page in a reading pane that will allow you to change the way you read the document:
- Separating the syllables
- Highlight the parts of speech – nouns, verbs, adverbs etc.
- Narrowing the reading view
- The text preferences – fonts, text size, background colour
- To view more information, please see our article on the Immersive Reader
Browser accessibility
Each browser has a different way to access their accessibility settings
Chrome –
- Vertical 3 dots
Chrome –
- Settings
- Accessibility
- Live captions
Edge –
- Horizontal 3 dots
Edge –
- Settings
- Accessibility
- Here you can change the captions, the contrast on the page and change system preferences.
Safari –
- Go to Settings
- Safari
- Advanced
- Experimental Features.
- Tap to turn on Accessibility Object Model.
Should you require further information, here is a link to the ‘My Computer, My way’ from AbilityNet