Early Years ITT (EYITT) is for those who wish to specialise in being an early year’s teacher across the 0-5 age range (babies, toddlers and young children).
EYITT leads to EYTS (Early Years Teacher Status) and allows qualified Early Years Teachers to work in all private, voluntary, and independent (PVI) early years settings which are where most children and early years provision is based. They can also work in free schools, academies and independent schools which can employ teaching staff without the requirement for them to have QTS.
EYTS does not allow you to lead teaching in mainstream schools, this is where you would need QTS.
Initial Teacher training (ITT) leads to QTS (qualified teacher status). You can specialise in General Primary and SEND across 3-7, 5 to 11 and secondary 11-16 in select subjects (maths, Geography, French, Spanish, Biology, Chemistry, Computing and English).
Qualifying in any one of the above ITT pathways, still allows you to teach across the entire Primary and Secondary age range. However, it’s important to think about your career aspirations as a teacher.
For example, if you decide to train in SEND 3-7, but have a desire to teach mainstream, you may be better offer considering the general primary route to ensure your teaching experience is relevant to your future career.
You can complete EYTS and then move on to complete QTS and vice versa.